Tuesday, September 18, 2007

good thing he has thunder thighs!

max had his two month doctor's appointment yesterday. i really hadn't anticipated how difficult it would be for me to watch him get his immunizations. i liked it about 17 times less than i thought i would. i actually cried just a little bit in response to his crying. thankfully he was easily calmed, and before we even left the doctor's office he was perfectly content to look around the room quietly while i made the co-pay and scheduled his next appointment.

just fyi, he now weighs 11 pounds, 6 ounces, which means he's gained 5 pounds since birth. pretty impressive if you ask me! he went from being in the 7th percentile for his weight (based on age) to the 50th percentile. he's also currently in the 40th percentile for height (which is also impressive considering the fact that i'm almost a midget). i forgot to ask him what percentage he is for cuteness, but i'm fairly certain that it's 100%.
max was pretty fussy for awhile last night (although he slept from 10pm until 5:15 this morning!!!), and he has a little fever today. i've only (ha!) allowed myself to call the sitter twice today. i feel so fortunate that we found someone who brian and i both like and trust. it's hard to be away from max when i know that he's a little sick and uncomfortable, but at least i know he's with someone who is giving him attention and is taking care of him.

anyway, i'm including some pictures of his chubby, little legs post-injections. (he got three! *sad face*) i'm also posting pictures of him right after the appointment (totally zonked out) and then 10pm last night (totally wide awake). i can tell that i've been a combo of sick and busy lately, because i have very little in the picture department to share right now. but here's what i DO have.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kara! He is so cute! We need to get together and do lunch, I can't believe you are already back to work! I can't email you because for some reason I can't email to yahoo so call me or I'll try and call you. Just give Max a little tylenol and the fever from his shots will go away like that...and he will be much happier! Talk to you soon, Emily Hodges :)