just within the last week max has starting becoming very aware (and seemingly interested) in his surroundings. he's actually focusing on our faces, looking at book pages while being read to, and he's taken a new and definite liking to his mobile in the pack n' play. in fact, i think the closest he's come to a full-blown smile was while staring intently at the animal mobile. very, very cute!!

brian and i stopped at costco after the i-cubs game on sunday. i just *had* to take a picture of max in the backseat with the coffee shop groceries. he seemed completely oblivous to the fact that he was surrounded by baked goods and whipped cream!

p.s. the spacing on this post is driving me NUTS, but i can't figure out how to fix it. sorry!!
1 comment:
But how is he responding to television? That's what you've got to worry about.
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