Wednesday, September 26, 2007

quick update

i still don't understand how to control the placement of these pictures. someday...

anyway, time continues to fly by. it seems like everyday max does something new and (obviously) cute. he's lifting his head, "talking" to his mobile animal friends, sorta-kinda smiling, and, saving the best for last, sleeping through the night. these are all the kinds of things that i swore i'd never care about, but it turns out that i do. i love max, and i love just about every tiny thing that he does. i don't know if this means that deep down inside every woman there's a maternal instinct or what, but i really thought i'd be the last person to think and act and feel this way. but i really couldn't be happier right now.

i'm short on time, but just a quick explanation of the pictures that i assume will appear above this text. i'm positive that they're out of order. deal with it. :)

1. max is starting to semi-enjoy his baths. i say "semi" because he no longer screams through the entire process. i found that the trick was to fill the tub about a quarter full of warm water. he appears to like sitting in the warm water as opposed to just being sponged down with it. i suppose most of us do, so it only makes good sense. (seriously, i'm going to write a book for mothers like me some day.)

2. i'm starting to put max in pj's at night. before i was just attempting to change him every 24 hours. but now that he's starting to get what nighttime is for, i'm trying to get him in some kind of bedtime routine. also, brian has hairy legs.

3. max and brian were both baptized this past sunday. i actually straightened my hair and put in my contacts for the event. in attendance were: my aunt kay & uncle rick, my grandma johannsen, my parents, kathy, and pete & ruth. it was good. God is good.

4. & 5. max is cute. sometimes i just like to take pictures to prove that statement.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Max in the bath. It's the first one I've seen where he has a little bit of an attitude. Like he's starting to figure things out and develop a response beyond baby-instincts to his surroundings.

You obviously see this much more often on a daily basis - it's just great to see it in pictures!

Doug Van Arkel said...

The three of you look good and it sounds as if things are going great too. Thanks for keeping us informed.