Wednesday, September 12, 2007

it took me a long time to figure out what 8 times 7 was. apparently motherhood doesn't help math skills.

i can't believe how quickly time is going! max turned eight weeks old on monday, and it's weird how the 56 days has gone by so incredibly fast, although at the same time i can barely remember what life was like before we had a baby to take care of and love. brian and i were reflecting on my pregnancy last night, and even that is hard to remember (yet i somehow manage to conjur up the bad stuff just enough to compolain about it!). it's totally cliche, but what all women kept telling me throughout my pregnancy is true: it was all totally worth it. every swollen-foot, nauseous, back-aching minute of it. i really didn't know i was capable of loving someone this much so quickly. it's so amazing.

anyway, since i last posted a blog we've attended yet another (horribly depressing) iowa state football game. max actually woke up for the second half of this one. and i think the highlight of the entire outing was when grandpa tom sternly told a guy in our section to stop smoking. (i don't know when i became the paranoid mother who doesn't want her baby within a mile radius of second hand smoke, but i'm totally that mother.) i thought possibly a fight was going to break out, or at least words were going to be exchanged, but instead the guy just discreetly put out his cigarette.

so here are some more pictures. they're mostly of the game (and our tame version of tailgaiting beforehand) and there are, as always, a few random ones because i just can't go more than a day without documenting his cuteness.
oh, and p.s., the picture of what appears to be taken of the UNI side line is actually supposed to be a picture of brian. if you click on the large version you'll see a blurry guy with a neon green vest. that's brian. :) he had the very cool and important job of taking the headphones to the referee if there was a replay.

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