Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eating Adventures

Now that Max can feed himself, he's had some pretty spectacular meal moments. I don't typically have the camera on hand, but here are a few times when I did.

This picture doesn't illustrate it too well, but if you look closely you can see that Max's hair is sticking up and out in several places. This is because he was eating pears, sticking his hands in his hair, eating some more pears, sticking his hands in his hair again, etc. For some reason unknown to me, he thought that this was all very hilarious.

The following four pictures show one of Max's first attempts with silverware. I don't mean to ruin the ending, but he failed miserably. :)

This is him trying to put the fork in his mouth, which was good, but due to his "technique" any food that he had on the fork had long since fallen off by the time he actually reached his mouth.

Here he's enjoying the attention from Grandma Kathy.

Another time where he did get the fork to his mouth, but there was still no trace of food on the utensil.

Finally he resorted to eating with one hand and holding the fork with the other. It was well played, in my opinion. :)

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