Max eating a piece of the wedding cake.

Standing in line for the dollar dance with his Aunt Heather.

Dancing with his Aunt Heather.

Near the end of the night, when he (clearly) was wedding-ed out.

Pictures before the wedding. You can't tell because it's zoomed in, but Max was looking up at his Uncle Cory for what I can only assume was some reassurance. He was a little uneasy about being up with a big group of fancy dressed people.

Proof that he just might be the world's cutest ringbearer.

A family picture. Pretend that Max is smiling and happy in this picture.

Grandpa Pete, Max, and Brian.

I love this one because he looks like such a little boy (as opposed to a baby).

Max and his Grandma Kathy.

Uncle Cory and Max.

Uncle Cory, Max, and Brian.

Max and Drew, the other ringbearer.

The wedding party.

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