Friday, October 24, 2008

The carving of the pumpkins.

These pictures are out of chronological order, but even after 14 months, I'm still constantly struggling with As much of a perfectionist as I am, I just don't have enough time to care. :)

Anyway, we carved pumpkins a few Mondays ago. I had high hopes for Max digging into the pumpkin insides and lovin' it. Uhhh....notsomuch. But that at least explains why he's practically naked. I anticipated a messy baby, and I thought a naked messy baby would be easier to clean than a clothed one. Little did I know, the baby wasn't going to care too much for anything having to do with the pumpkins.

Max, watching us carve the pumpkins.

I think it's funny that Brian looks so serious in this picture.

Just another photo of me permanently scarring my child. Max will probably talk about this scenario in therapy years from now.

The only picture that makes this appear to have been a fun, whole-family activity.

Me showing Max how to use the screw driver on the pumpkin. (I got the idea from a magazine.)
Max actually, for once, listening to something I say. :)
I think he was actually reaching for something behind the pumpkin. But I love how the camera angle makes it look like he's interested in the tiny pumpkin. :)

Max and Brutus watching Brian intently.
Max supervising the lighting of the candles in the pumpkin.
This might be one of my favorite pictures to date. Jack-o-lanterns and a diaper-clad, on the verge of pouty baby.
Our masterpieces:

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