picture #1 of me attempting to get max to practice crawling. at the start he was decently content. (note the ever present drool dripping off his chin.)

picture #2. blowing raspberries and beginning to get bored with the activity.

picture #3. a good, solid minute into the tummy time, he's done.

i rediscovered a toy that one of the grandmas got max for Christmas. he was totally in awe of the flashing nose on the bear.

seriously. he hasn't seen anything this cool since the jumbotran at the iowa state game.

brian and i are calling max "the hillbilly baby" right now. in this picture you can sort of see his one upper tooth poking through.

going along with the whole teething thing, max slobbers a lot right now. see it dripping off of his chin?

just a cute one.

and more of the same.

Oh, seriously, could my nephew be more cute. Man, you guys know how to make 'em (-:
awww, i really love how he looks SO interested in everything. even if he's faking, he's totally pulling it off :)
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