Thursday, February 21, 2008

the day max ran the coffee shop.

brenda (max's wonderfully-awesome-and-spectacular babysitter!) had a doctor's appointment in the middle of the day on tuesday. her husband watched the other (slightly older) kids, but was "afraid" to watch the baby. :) i was all too happy to take him in at the coffee shop for a few hours. he did a fabulous job and actually didn't shed a tear or let out so much as half of a screech. i, of course, got nothing done coffee shop-wise, but max and i had a blast taking pictures, looking at the mural, and just playing. it's definitely not something that would be practical on a regular basis, but an every once in awhile thing is nothing short of wonderful.


Anonymous said...

I wonder about child labor you have to be 16 to use the steamer?

Adorable pictures, of course.

rebeccajo said...

these pics are adorable, but you know that third one from the end looks totally fake, right? like the ones where people superimpose themselves in front of like the pyramids or machu picchu or something... :)