Tuesday, April 8, 2008

the many (adorable) faces of max:

p.s. these pictures make me realize how badly this boy needs a haircut!

polka dotted baby

max appears to have a never ending desire to visit his pediatrician. his ginormous and disgusting pinkie toe blister has healed and he's done with strep throat, so this weekend he decided to break out in weird bumps all over his body. one urgent care visit and one pediatrician visit later we know that max is allergic to penicillin. now we'll just wait and see what next week brings...

Friday, April 4, 2008

1/2 a blog with captions only!

in the prime of his sickness last week:

grandma kathy could've filled an easter basket the size of a small house :) :

our adorable, little family:

the guys' room at Easter dinner:

grandpa tom and a hungry max: