Tuesday, November 6, 2007

monkey max

again/still, i can't figure out how to post pictures and text on the same blog. someday i'll figure that out though, because i'd love to give some commentary along side some of the posted pictures.

anyway...halloween was pretty low-key for us (and delayed; we didn't dress max up until three days after the actual holiday), but i couldn't pass up the opportunity to put max in a cute, little costume. in keeping with his ever-developing personality, he was pretty laid back about the whole thing. i figured he wouldn't like a cap with ginormous monkey ears and a split banana on his head, but it turned out that he didn't appear to even notice its existance. we took him around to visit various, interested family members, and then went home and went to bed fairly early (which made the extra hour from daylight savings all the more fabulous!).

all in all, it was a good first halloween for mr. max.